Monday, January 12, 2009

NicheBlueprint Getting Started In Online Business and Internet Marketing

Starting an online business is becoming a very popular way for people to start a new entrepreneurial venture. The barriers to entry are pretty low for a few reasons. One reason is that it is very cheap to start a website and sell products or promote whatever service it is that you have to offer.

A second reason starting a website is a good option for your small business is that you can sell your goods anywhere. Your website is a storefront that anybody can see--anywhere. The beauty of having storefront website is customers don't need to go to a physical location in order to see what your business has to offer. You may live in Los Angeles, but you can easily have a customer living in Kansas City see your wares and make an order.

The internet has facilitated an almost unthinkable rate of information dissemination. You can send a message to anyone in the world immediately. It is truly amazing how fast things can get done on the internet. But that doesn't mean that starting your online business will necessarily be easy. But starting a website is a lot easier than having to invest in a brick and mortar physical location, which would require you to pay rent, utilities, and any kind of repairs that would come along with it.

Even if you do not plan to start an e-commerce site and learn that whole side of online business, you can still do what many CEO's and small business owners are doing: start a blog. A blog is a great way to speak directly to your audience. It can fold directly into your brand in a very personal way since it is your personal voice. The best business blogs have a very sincere feel to them. If it is effective, a blog may help you increase your market share and attract new people to your product or service who may have never known about it before.

Blogs can also be a business in and of themselves. There are many people who essentially set up online media companies in a given niche and work hard to attract readers and become an authority on a subject. One there is an audience in place, you can often make money by placing advertisements on your website. There are ten to twenty very good companies who will serve as the middle man for your online ads. You can also use your site to do internet marketing, which is where you promote products and get a cut of the profits.

Truly, the most amazing thing about starting an internet business is that it is very easy to get started and costs very little. There is serious competition in the web hosting market, which means prices for you the webmaster are very cheap. Creating websites is not as hard as it may seem. In fact, it seems that it's getting easier every day. Even if you don't want to do it yourself, you can find a cheap web designer to build a site for you.

There are many programs to use as your e-commerce cart system and billing system. These will probably be a little costly because they need to be very efficient at taking orders and helping you run your business. And if you want to take the really easy way out, you can always start an eBay store, although that is becoming more and more competitive.

You may hear a couple of terms that you don't understand, but they are actually very basic. One of them is SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization. This is basically just the process of making your website as search engine friendly as possible so it is easy for you to gain an audience and have people visit your site. SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing, which is basically the process of trying to get your website very popular in Yahoo and Google. This is something internet marketers are extremely interested in because traffic is the lifeblood of an online business.

Read more tips and information about online business. Learn more about starting your small business online.

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nicheblueprint: niche blueprint

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NicheBlueprint How To Start

So - you're NEW to this business? So - you need to know where to begin ...

You want to sell your products to a hungry market, but where is your hungry market? You need to know which Niche you are going to address, and you need to know this before you create your first product to sell.

It's probably not going to be that easy or straightforward - at least not in the beginning. That's where you need help! Ask your self a few questions:

What are your preconceptions about this business? Maybe you should throw these out - now. Most people imagine (before they begin any new business) exactly what they think they want. They imagine exactly how they think their new business will work for them. But - in reality it hardly ever happens that way.

Time and time again I've seen people jump right in at the deep end - before carefully considering the consequences.

So, you are now starting your Internet Marketing business, and you are all fired up and ready to go. That's great. But what's going to happen next week, or next month? Maybe you will be slowing down, running out of steam, and seemingly not getting anywhere. Why is this? What is your problem? Are you stuck with something? Don't worry, all newbies get stuck from time to time, it's really quite normal.

So what now - which way to turn? Have you written down your goals? It's so important to do this.

Do make realistic goals - for instance don't write: "by this time next year I'll be a millionaire" - as unless you win the Lottery this is really most unlikely. So write a few simple goals, and be sure to achieve them!

Remember that well-known saying: "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail".

Set yourself your daily schedule, and stay focused. You will have an amazing sense of satisfaction upon achieving one task you have set yourself!

Everyone suffers from writers block - especially newbies. But when you need inspiration just take a sheet of paper - or open up the laptop - and just write something - anything! It doesn't have to be "good" or "clever" - but just start writing. Then you'll find suddenly you ARE writing something good! Carry a notebook and pencil around with you. This is something I always do. Then when I get one of those magic moments - you know - like when someone switches on a light bulb in your head - and I think: "that's it!" - I write it down.

Yes, you can get other people to write your product, and yes, you can get other people to write your sales letter. However, to start with I personally do believe it's better to do your own work - to create your own unique produce, and to write your own unique sales letter. Not only will this be your own unique work, but also it will be a lot less expensive for you!

Of course it will take a little practice, but you WILL get there with a little application and perseverance. No, you most probably won't become an overnight success. If you ask any successful Internet Marketer they will tell you it's been a lot of hard work to get where they are today. But surely something that is too easily achieved isn't going to be worth the achievement - that's my motto!

Most important of all, treat this as a FUN business! After all, it IS fun. The words you put down on paper will being in many thousands of dollars, which to anybody's way of thinking has got to be fun, for sure!

Ron Woodham retired at 65 and set up his own Internet Business. He spent 9 months teaching himself how to create and build websites from scratch, and now shares his knowledge through his Building Blocks for Beginners.
Visit for the full story.

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nicheblueprint: nicheblueprint

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